Parish Prison

Lieutenant Colonel Cathy Fontenot
2867 Brig. General Isaac Smith Ave. Scotlandville, LA 70807
Phone: (225) 355-3311
Fax: (225) 358-4100

Warden Cathy Fontenot has worked in prisons or jails her entire adult life. Armed with a mini 14 rifle, she began her career as a correctional officer assigned to a perimeter tower of a State of Louisiana medium security adult male prison.  Realizing she had a Criminal Justice degree; she was chosen to work in the accreditation office at Dixon Correctional Institute.  Due her contagious enthusiasm for this project, she was selected by the Secretary of Corrections to assist other prisons across the state in achieving their accreditation with the American Correctional Association. In 1995, she was named the Executive Staff Officer for the Louisiana State Penitentiary, the state’s maximum-security prison and the oldest and largest ACA accredited prison in the country at that time.

Mrs. Fontenot had three children from 2001 -2005 while becoming one of the state’s youngest assistant wardens and gaining her master’s in criminology in 2006.  She gained national attention during her time at the Louisiana State Penitentiary, appearing in documentaries and the reality show, Louisiana Lockdown.  She has taught criminal justice and corrections at the university level as a way of recruiting those who want to serve, has been a warden at a local jail, works as a director of a reception and diagnostic unit in the State of Mississippi and serves as an expert witness as a corrections process expert.  She received the State of Louisiana’s top civil service award for career service in 2014.  She is past president of the North American Association of Wardens and Superintendents, past president of the Louisiana Correctional Association, Secretary of the Louisiana State Penitentiary Museum Board and is a fellow in the British American Project.

Parish Prison

The East Baton Rouge Parish Prison is run and staffed by the Sheriff's Office. Over 1500 inmates are housed at this facility; 1410 males and 184 females. Over 350 Deputies are employed at the Prison, including secretarial workers, guards, and administrative staff.

Of course, the prison serves a very important function in East Baton Rouge Parish, keeping those people off of the streets who are a danger to the law-abiding citizens. The prison does have several programs in place which strive to help these inmates to learn the error of their ways and to become viable parts of the community upon their release. These programs include a GED program which enables the inmates to earn a high school equivalency diploma, physical fitness programs and an extensive library. The prison also features it's own chapel to stress to the inmates the value of virtue, and to provide them with a place to reflect upon their wrongdoings.

For inmate information such as Bond Amounts, Charges, and Visitation Schedules please call 225-308-3400. This number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Major James McFarland
Deputy Warden

Major James McFarland serves as the Deputy Warden at the parish prison. He is 4th generation law enforcement. His great grandfather served as an East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Deputy; his grandfather retired as Chief of Police in Bay St. Louis, MS; and his father retired as a Sergeant from Baton Rouge City Police. Major McFarland began his law enforcement career in May 1992 as a deputy at the East Baton Parish Prison. Major McFarland has worked his way up through the ranks. In May 1999, he was promoted to Corporal. Then in June 2000, he was promoted to Lieutenant in which he maintained this rank for 23 ½ years. In February 2024, he was promoted to the rank of Major. In his current position as Deputy Warden, he assists the Warden in managing the daily operations and functions of the prison, ensures the safety of all inmates, staff and visitors as well as implements and enforces prison and office policies and procedures.

Captain Barry Miles
Chief of Intake and Release​
I began my career with the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office in September of 1997. I have been a supervisor for 26 years. I have attended and completed The Louisiana State University P.O.S.T. Correctional Academy. I am firearms qualified scoring a 96 or better every year since I became P.O.S.T. certified. I am also taser certified, and receive yearly training on defensive tactics and weapons retention. I have worked with The Jail Management System, and both The Local Warrants and NCIC System. I am certified to work with The AFIS System and am a Certified DNA / Rapid DNA Collector and Instructor. I am also contracted through Immigration and Customs as a Designated Immigration Officer through the 287g program at the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison where I gather background information and interview subjects who are foreign born citizens that have committed crimes in the Baton Rouge and surrounding areas and have been arrested and detained at the facility. I have attended numerous classes and have been educated in the areas of first aid, fire safety, and terrorism. I have also been trained and conditioned to be respectful of my peers and those who I am in constant contact with. I have also been taught and groomed to be professional and courteous at all times.

Captain Leonard Harris
Chief of Security

Captain Cheri Leader
Chief of Investigations





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