EBRSO Tax Payments


The East Baton Rouge Sheriff tax office located at 222 St. Louis Street Baton Rouge, La on the 2nd floor will be open on December 31, 2024 accepting tax payments. Tax payments will be considered delinquent if paid after December 31, 2024. You can also pay your taxes on line at https://snstaxpayments.com/ebr

Zachary City Refunds

NOTICE: Refunds $35 or less will be credited to the taxpayers 2025 tax bill.  A taxpayer may contact the Tax Office at 225-389-4810 if they don’t desire to have their refund credited to their 2025 tax bill.  A check will be mailed to the taxpayer if the refund is over $35.

Please be advised that if your property is located within the city limits of Zachary please check you tax bill amount. The Sheriff has been advised by the Louisiana Legislative auditors that the 2024 tax roll contained an incorrect mileage for property located in the City of Zachary. The Sheriff’s Office was not advised of the error until after the Sheriff mailed the 2024 tax bills. Please contact the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s office at 225-389-4810 regarding the correct tax owed, or check on line https://snstaxpayments.com/ebr for the correct tax amount due if you have property located within the city limits of Zachary. If a taxpayer has already paid their 2024 taxes, and it is determined that the tax was overpaid due to this error, the Sheriff will issue a refund for the amount of the overpayment.

EBRSO Tax Payments - Frequently Asked Questions

NOTICE: The answers and explanations to “Frequently Asked Questions” are general in nature and are not designed or intended to be interpreted or construed in any manner as to be legal advice, a legal opinion, legally correct or reflect the actual rights or obligations of property owners, East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff or their authorized representatives. For specific information of obligations or rights related to property taxes please refer to the appropriate laws of the United States of America and the State of Louisiana as well as seek the legal advice of an attorney.   

Does the Sheriff decide how much tax I owe?
Answer: The Sheriff does not decide how much property tax you owe. Your taxes are calculated by multiplying the assessed value of your property times the total millage rates attached to your property. The assessed value is determined by the East Baton Rouge Assessor and the millage rates are voted on by the parish residents. The Assessor’s Office is located in the East Baton Rouge Parish City Hall, Room 126

Where do I pay my Taxes?
Answer: You may mail your tax payment along with a payment stub to:

Sid J. Gautreaux, III
Sheriff and Tax Collector
P.O. Box 919319
Dallas, TX 75391


Sid J. Gautreaux, III
Sheriff and Tax Collector

P.O. Box 70
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821

You may pay your taxes in person at:

Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office
East Baton Rouge Parish City Hall, 2nd Floor
222 Saint Louis Street, Room 238
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802

Monday - Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Who is responsible for the collection of property taxes?
Answer: The Sheriff is responsible for the collection of all East Baton Rouge Parish property taxes.

How do I change the mailing address on my tax notice?

Answer: The East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Assessor’s Office should be contacted at (225)389-3920 for all change of address information. The East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Assessor’s Office normally requires the signature of the property owner or authorized agent before a change of address is made to any property tax account. Contact the East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Assessor’s Office at (225) 389-3920 or at www.ebrpa.org for all change of address information.

If I live in the City of Baton Rouge, Baker, Central or Zachary does my tax notice from the Sheriff include any city taxes?

Answer: Yes, with the exception of Central, all cities within the Parish of East Baton Rouge collect city taxes.

I purchased this property after January 1st, why did I not receive a tax notice in November?

Answer: Property is assessed by the East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Assessor’s Office on January 1st each year. If you purchased property after January 1st, the property may remain in the prior owners name on the current year tax roll. As the new owner, you are responsible for checking with the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Tax Department, the East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Assessor’s Office or online to see if any taxes are owed on your property. 

All taxes, interest, penalties or fees owed on a property tax account remain in effect until paid regardless of ownership. Also, the East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Collector does not pro-rate tax amounts owed between a buyer and seller of property in East Baton Rouge Parish. Any agreement related to property taxes between the buyer and seller is a private matter and has no affect on any taxes owed to East Baton Rouge Parish. Therefore, if taxes are owed and were not paid by the prior owner you are responsible for paying the entire tax bill even if you did not own the property the full year. 

How are my taxes calculated?

Answer: Assessed values are determined by the East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Assessor’s Office. According to the Assessor, the amount of taxes owed is calculated by taking the assessed value of the property and subtracting the amount of homestead exemption if applicable. The result is then multiplied by the total millage applicable to the property as shown on your tax notice. Please note that crime fees, fire fees and city taxes are NOT subject to homestead exemption.

Millage is the percentage of value that is used in calculating taxes. A mill is defined as 1/10 of 1 percent and is multiplied by the assessed value after any exemptions have been subtracted to calculate the taxes. For example, if the tax rate is 150 mills and the assessed value is $10,000 with no exemptions, the taxes would be calculated as $10,000.00 x .150 = $1,500.00. If the same residence has homestead exemption the taxes would be $10,000.00 - $7,500.00 x .150 = $375.00 in taxes. Millages are voted on and approved by the public. If you have further questions as to how the assessed values of your property were determined or wish to dispute the assessed values appearing on your tax notice contact the East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Assessor’s Office at (225) 389-3920.

What is Homestead Exemption and how can I receive a homestead exemption on my property?

Answer: Presently, the Louisiana Constitution allows for a homestead exemption of $75,000.00. The homestead exemption negates the parish property taxes due on the first $75,000.00 of market value or $7,500.00 of assessed value. Homestead Exemption applies to only one home and the homestead exemption does not apply to taxes levied by any of the cities, towns or villages located in East Baton Rouge Parish. The homestead exemption also does not apply to Fire/Crime  District Fees. To be eligible for homestead exemption, the property must be your primary residence and you must be a resident of East Baton Rouge Parish. To receive homestead exemption on your primary residence you must file a homestead application with the East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Assessor. To file for Homestead Exemption, contact the Tax Assessor’s Office at (225) 389-3920.

When do taxes become due and when are property tax notices mailed?

Answer: By law the tax assessor is to provide the tax roll to the tax collector by November 15th each calendar year. Taxes assessed shall be due in same calendar year as soon as the tax roll is delivered to the tax collector, and they shall be paid on or before December thirty-first in each respective year. Tax notices are generally mailed out the last week of November each year.

Do you accept the postmark on the envelope as evidence of the date paid?

Answer: Yes, The date postmarked will be used to determine the date of payment provided the envelope has actually been postmarked and cancelled by the United States Postal Service and not merely run through a meter machine by a private business. There must be evidence of actual mailing or the decision to accept the postmark will be at the discretion of the East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Collector. However, We do not accept postmark for payments mailed two weeks prior to the tax sale.

How can I find out if my account has any outstanding balances?

Answer: Go online at WWW.EBRSO.ORG or call the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Tax Office at (225) 389-4810.

What happens if I pay the wrong tax account?

Answer: Tax payments are posted to the property tax account that the taxpayer provides. Before remitting payment, be certain that the property tax account number you provide is correct. If a posting error occurs please contact East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Tax Office immediately and we will do everything possible to correct the error.

What if I have a mortgage on my property and my mortgage company is collecting money each month and putting it into an escrow account to pay my tax and they have not paid it by December 31st. Do I need to pay the tax before contacting my mortgage company in order to protect my property?

Answer: It is recommended that you contact your mortgage company and ask why they have not paid the tax before you make a payment. The East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office accepts and posts the first payment we receive. If you pay first and the mortgage company later mails us payment for your tax account we will have to send the mortgage company their money back. Then you will have to get your money back from the mortgage company which in many instances is very difficult. If this situation occurs, the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office will not reverse this transaction and will not refund the payment to you.

What happens if I do not pay my property taxes?

Answer: Taxes become delinquent after December 31, with interest accruing at a rate of 1% per month until paid. Taxes that remain unpaid after January 31 will incur a collection fee of $2.00 of taxes due. Taxes that remain unpaid after January will accrue an addition cost for certified notice(s) of Tax Sale and shall be advertised for sale with additional cost added for advertising your property.

What happens to a property if it is sold at Tax Sale and can I get my property back?

Answer : If your property is sold at tax sale, you are subject to lose your homestead exemption. Property sold at tax sale may be redeemed up to three years from date of recordation. A 5% penalty and 1% interest per month will apply. You must contact the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Tax Office to redeem your property.

What happens to a property if it is not sold to a Tax Buyer at the Tax Sale?

Answer: Any unsold property is adjudicated (transferred) to East Baton Rouge Parish. The Parish acquires the tax assessment rights of the original owner as well as the assessment rights of the property. Under certain circumstances, the Parish may actually sell the property to a third party and the sale transfers all ownership rights in the property to the buyer.

Who can buy property at a Tax Sale and when is the Tax Sale?

Answer: The East Baton Rouge Parish Tax Sale is a public auction and is open to all who wish to register and participate. To facilitate ease of participation in the tax sale process by more citizens the annual auction is conducted online by means of an electronic bidding process. This web based internet tax sale can be accessed by anyone with a computer and internet access. Citizens can browse available properties from their home, office, library, etc. without having to be physically present during the auction process. For citizens without a computer or internet access, computers will be made available for public use at the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Tax Office during normal business hours (8:30 to 4:30).





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