Capital Area Regional Training Academy
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Law Enforcement Officer. Joining the ranks of Louisiana's Law Enforcement Agencies is a high honor and will be an extremely challenging, but very rewarding, step in your career path. After being hired by your respective Agency, Candidates can then apply to attend the Capital Area Regional Training Academy (C.A.R.T.A).
CARTA strives to maintain state-of-the-art training for the Louisiana law enforcement community and continuously researches the most effective training methods to ensure that we deliver the highest quality training to our students.
The staff at CARTA is dedicated to developing the abilities of Louisiana Law Enforcement Officers to deliver safe, effective, and efficient services to the communities they serve. CARTA, which is a rigorous program that consists of over 600 hours, including physical fitness, weapons training, defensive tactics, legal, classroom instruction, and takes approximately 16 weeks to complete. PLEASE READ PHYSICAL FITNESS STANDARDS (BELOW) BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION.
Each agency submitting applications must complete a PC 562 form. This form must be signed by the Agency Head or Sheriff and mailed to the Capital Area Regional Training Academy at 2829 Lt. Gen Benjamin Davis Jr. Ave., Baton Rouge, La. 70807. These forms must be received two weeks prior to the start date of the class.
The name of the student should appear on the academy application as it appears on their drivers license and all information should be checked to insure it's accuracy including shirt size.
Payments are due one week prior to the academy starting. Please make checks payable to: East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office and mail payment to:
Attention: Captain Pauline Carter
2829 Lt. Gen Benjamin Davis Jr. Ave.
Baton Rouge, La. 70807
C.A.R.T.A. Contact # : 225-389-2365
or students can bring payment on the first day of the academy
Health Forms:
The academy Health Form should be copied from this webpage and MUST be completed by a physician. It must be turned in to the academy prior to or on the first day of the academy or the student WILL NOT be allowed to attend the academy. No other form will be accepted.
Physical Fitness Standards:
It is mandatory that all officers applying to the CARTA attend Pre-CARTA Fitness Evaluation. The officer must bring the CARTA HEALTH FORM with them to the evaluation. The officer must be able to do at least 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups and run the 1 ½ mile under 20 minutes.
Once the officer apply to CARTA a confirmation email, will be sent to the officer and the contact person who is listed on the application. The Pre-CARTA Fitness dates will be listed in the confirmation email. Please follow all instructions in the confirmation email.
First Day of Academy:
All students must report for the first day of class dressed in khaki cargo pants, a plain black, round-neck t-shirt, and black boots. They are to report to 2829 Lt. Gen Benjamin Davis Jr. Ave., Baton Rouge, La. 70807 for the first day, class will begin at 0745 hours. On the second week of the academy, they will report to East Baton Rouge Pistol Range at 999 West Irene Rd. Zachary, LA 70791. They will need to bring the required number of ammunition on the second week of the academy.
We now offer ammunition with the tuition payment. This will include all the ammunition that the student will need.
Basic Certification $1000
Basic Certification with Ammo $1650
Refresher $500
Refresher with Ammo $1150
CARTA Academy dates for 2024
March 25th, 2025 - Night class
May 5th, 2025 - Level 2 Basic Corrections class
August 11th, 2025

Please check all areas of this web page prior to submitting applications for each academy class as the forms change time-to-time and the current forms are to be used.
(Application works best in Internet Explorer 7 or better)